This guest post from Hong Alexander Over the summer I had to go to some classes at work to learn how to us a new scheduling program for work. I am a nurse at a hospital and I am responsible for arranging the schedules of the 43 nurses we have on our unit. I used to arrange everything on paper and it was very tedious and time-consuming. The new program will allow me to not only use a computer program to schedule all of the nurses, but I can access it from anywhere I have internet access. My husband and I just got satellite internet from, so I will be able to work on the schedule from home, which I have done in the past. Being in charge of the schedule is one of the hardest jobs on our unit. It is very difficult to make all of the nurses happy with their schedules. Some prefer to work dayshift and some prefer to work night shift, but there are not enough straight day and straight night positions to go around. That causes some nurses to have to switch between day and night shifts on a weekly basis. It is also difficult to grant everyone the days off they request because we have to have coverage on the unit 24/7. Hopefully this new program will allow me to work out the schedule in a more organized way. |